More on Sources of Public Policy

There are four sources of public policy each of which emerges from the need to commissioning inquiry.

The focus here is to clarify how different political responsibilities-G1 get incorporated within each source of policy and so shape what we can expect of it.

Public Inquiry (CG-44)


To produce realistic, evidence-based policy proposals which can command public support

by using

available and specially collected information, commissioning expert investigations

as well as

accepting reports and evidence from the public, interest groups and other relevant parties.

Public inquiry and its constitutions via communal needs, the moral dimension, public interest an a societal issue.

Think-Tank Reports (CG-43)


To produce coherent policy proposals that are claimed to be necessary and beneficial, because of the starting assumptions (underlying paradigm or discipline) and the method of inquiry,

by using

in-house extensive and intensive research inquiries,

as well as

ongoing literature review, analyses and evaluation of existing public policies.

Think-tank reports and their constitution around an ideological position, a definition of the public interest, a consideration of societal issues and a response to official decisions.

Departmental Paper (CG-42)


To produce policy proposals that the government can fully control and claim as viable and necessary

by using

government staff, departmental data and confidential sources of advice and information.

Government departmental papers that consider the public interest, self-interestedly select societal issues, determine official decisions and apply the rule of law.

Vested Interest Proposals (CG-41)


To produce policy proposals that are feasible and desired by the vested interest—if industry, to reduce their risk &/or increase their profits; if advocacy, to pursue and establish their values

by using

public data, industry data, basic investigations, ongoing analyses of social circumstances and evaluation of current public policies.

Proposals from vested interests respond formally to a societal issue, recommend official decisions self-interestedly, and respect the law while developing group power.

Originally posted: August-2009; Last updated: 15-Nov-2011